Welcome to Henry County, Iowa Official Website

Boat renewals for the 2025-2028 renewal cycle has begun in the Recorder’s Office



Contact Information


Henry County Recorder

 100 E Washington St

Suite 201

Mount Pleasant IA 52641


Monday - Friday

8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.


(319) 385 - 0765    


(319) 385 - 0770

Duties of the County Recorder

“Please be aware of a letter going around our state claiming to be from “County Deed Records”. This letter is not related to our County Recorder’s office or other government entities in any way. To see a sample of this letter and to learn more, go to


About Recorder
Recorders/Registrars process valuable Information Concerning
Land Records and Records Management
Recording Information and Fees
Document Formatting Standards
Military Service Records
Fishing and Hunting
Boat Registration and Title Information
ATV and Snowmobile Registration and Title
Marriage Application
Birth, Death and Marriage
Genealogy Information

You may calculate real estate transfer tax by entering the total amount paid for the property. This calculation is based on $1.60 per thousand and the first $500 is exempt

Enter the amount paid in the top field, the rest will auto-calculate.

Total Amount Paid (Must be < $ 99,999,999)

Rounded Up to Nearest $ 500 Increment


Taxable Amount

Tax Rate

Tax Amount Due